Why does Mauricio suck at fantasy football?
This is one of life's great mysteries. At a young age it is rumored that the football Gods descended upon young Mauricio to judge if he is worthy of Fantasy Football greatness. Finding him unworthy, it was foretold on that day that he would luck into a championship, only to taste victory for a fleeting moment, never to be had again. While year in and year out Mauricio attempts to recapture that moment, such attempts will ultimately prove futile.
Why didn't we name the league "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Mauricio"?
While that name did get the second most votes, the league recognized that adding Mauricio's name to the actual name of the league gives Mauricio too much credence, and may lead people to believe that he in fact does not suck at fantasy football. To avoid such confusion, the league ultimately decided to go with Gridiron Gurus.
How is it possible for someone to suck, and still win a fantasy football championship?
We ask ourselves that every single day. While there is a tremendous amount of skill required in this game to be consistently on the high end of the league standings, much like playing cards, there tends to be some luck involved as well from year to year. In one case, a novice Giants fan picked a bunch of homers and somehow won an entire league. In another case, an owner who once picked Mark Clayton for $5 in an auction draft 15+ years after he retired from the NFL, also happened to win a league one time. Sometimes these things happen, despite clearly more skilled players participating in fantasy football.